Important Risk Factors For altGraaf Users

altGraaf would like to inform that generally there is High Risk involved in Alternate Investment opportunities. All investors, prior to making an investment decision, should carefully evaluate whether the investment is suitable for them considering one’s knowledge/experience in investment planning, investment objectives, financial ability, and risks appetite. It is necessary that before Investors make any investment decision, they should understand the following:

100% Loss of Investment amount: Investment in any opportunity does not provide guaranteed returns even if invested in high-grade/rated or low credit risk opportunities. The investor may lose lost in whole or in part even the principal amount at the time of redemption. Investment is a risky affair and you may not be able to recover, on a timely basis or at all, the full value of the investment and/or the return accrued thereon and neither the altGraaf nor the entity(ies), person(s) associated to it makes any representations, warranties, or guaranties whatsoever in this regard.

Adverse Market Conditions: altGraaf may have presented certain forward-looking information based on past performance and certain assumptions which may be relevant for current macro-economic scenarios. However, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Projections may also not be a reliable indicator of future performance.

Lack of Liquidity: The liquidity and realizable value of opportunities may vary significantly with changes in market and economic conditions. There is no liquidity for the opportunities in the secondary market and there is no assurance that liquidity will improve. There is no obligation on altGraaf to provide or maintain a secondary market for this opportunity. You understand that there is the possibility for an investor to experience losses due to the inability to sell or convert assets into cash immediately or in instances where conversion to cash is possible but at a loss.

Secured investment cannot be considered proxy for guaranteed returns: Although most of opportunities on altGraaf will be backed by collaterals constituting atleast 100% asset cover, however, the realisable value of the assets charged as security, when liquidated, may be lower than the outstanding pay-outs accrued thereon in connection with any opportunity. A failure or delay to recover the expected value from a sale or disposition of the assets charged as security in connection with the opportunity could expose you to a potential loss.

Delayed pay-outs: There may be delay in receipt of payments i.e. payment may come before or after the stated payment schedule or maturity period. You completely understand that altGraaf is not obligated to facilitate timely pay-outs with respect to this opportunity.

Past performance and Forecasts: altGraaf may provide its own assessment of opportunity which is generally based on past performance and future forecasts based on the past performance. However, investor shall understand that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investor should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Investor shall not rely on altGraaf assessment of investment opportunity. altGraaf encourages investors to do their own evaluation of investment risk parameters and return expectations on case-to-case basis.

Incomplete Information: altGraaf intent to provide detailed analysis of investment opportunity listed on its platform along with altGraaf’s assessment of the investment opportunity. However, the information shared thereon may not be complete and accurate. altGraaf or Investor may not be able to obtain all information it would want regarding a particular opportunity, on a timely basis or at all. Also, there may be some information related to Issuer or underlying security which may not be shared due to confidentiality which otherwise may have material adverse impact on Issuer. altGraaf is not obligated to provide and may not provide all the information as required by the investor to take investment decision. It is possible that altGraaf may not be aware on a timely basis of material adverse changes that have occurred with respect to the opportunities.

altGraaf is not liable, and you will not hold altGraaf responsible for any delays, defaults, frauds, misrepresentations etc. on part of any counterparty(ies).

altGraaf is only a facilitator of this opportunity and does not guarantee any repayment or scheduled payment under any scenario.

The aforesaid list of risk factors is not intended to be exhaustive, nor a comprehensive explanation of the risks involved.

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