Keep more. Pay less. With tax harvesting
Use market movements to your advantage and reduce your tax burden while maintaining your investment strategies.
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Make your
losses work for you
Advanced Tax Harvesting
Most tools only match realised losses with gains. Our approach helps you book unrealised losses, turning market dips into tax-saving opportunities.
Smart Moves, Lower Future Tax
Adjust your equity and mutual fund holdings today to reduce your tax burden and enhance future savings.
Seamless & Automatic
Effortless execution, built-in intelligence, and minimal work—so you save without the stress.
A comprehensive
tax-harvesting plan
that covers both, your Short-term and Long-term capital gains
Understand your tax liability today
Get your summarised long-term and short-term capital gains at a click of a button.
Actionable tax harvesting blueprint
Your blueprint includes customised loss harvesting plan specific to your portfolio and tax position.
Save taxes for today and optimise taxes for your future
Follow steps to apply both loss and profit harvesting.
How it works
Just 4 steps to get your tax blueprint
Upload your required documents
(Limited to Zerodha and MF Central)
We will come up with a detailed plan
(We’ll let you know once it’s ready)
View a summary of your potential tax savings
Pay and unlock your personalised actionable blueprint
We protect your data with the highest level of security and privacy
Pricing plan
Tax Saving Opportunity Summary
Analysis of your current investments
Summary of your current tax liability
Summary of your tax saving opportunity
Limited Time Offer
Personalised Tax-Harvesting Blueprint
Analysis of your current investments
Summary of your current tax liability
Deep-dive into each component of your short-term and long-term gains
Tailored Tax Strategy for each component
Actionable blueprint
For any questions or support, please reach out to [email protected]
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